LUSATIA NOVA Permanent Representation Dresden / VILLA WEIGANG Bautzen / Budyšin Schloßstraße 14, Dresden

1st International Conference on the European Minorities Network (EMNet) in the Czech-German-Polish Triangle of Sorbian / Wendish Lusatia Dear Partners, Members and Friends of LUSATIA GLOW, Dear Europeans, Europe gets a new shape – thanks to the activation of the European cross- border language minorities within the LUSATIA GLOW Framework Programme a new European Minorities [...]

Pressekonferenz: SERBSKI SEJM plant “ARTE-Ost”

Landespressekonferenz Sachsen e.V. Bernhard-von-Lindenau-Platz 1, Dresden, Deutschland

Die mediale Vernetzung Mittel- und Osteuropas ausgehend vom Lausitzer Dreiländereck dank der grenzüberschreitenden Kompetenz der Lausitzer Sorben / Wenden. Ein 3-dimensionales Projekt aufgespannt zwischen einer digitalen Kommunikationsplattform, konkreten Veranstaltungen vor Ort an den Ländergrenzen und einem immer stärker wachsenden zivilgesellschaftlichen Netzwerk über Regionen hinweg, um Ost und West zu verbinden. Zum Event:

SERBSKI SEJM / Sorbian-Wendish Parliament on official visit this week in Belgium

European Parliament, Brussels / Parliament & Government Ostbelgien, Eupen / Citadelle and City of Dinant / ArsVitha Cultural Forum, Saint Vith , Belgium

LUSATIA GLOW - EIFEL GLOW - Meetings scheduled in the European Parliament in Brussels and with Charles SERVATY, the President of the Parliament of Ostbelgien, and with representatives the Ostbelgien Government in Eupen – from September 28th to October 1st, 2023 The freely, equally and democratically elected people’s representation of the Lusatian Sorbs / Wends [...]

International Governmental Conference

Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic Pařížská 4, Prague 1, Czech Republic

International Governmental Conference on the Future and the Perspectives of Cross-border Cooperation in the Context of Contemporary Europe − 20th Anniversary of Membership of the Czech Republic in the European Union Under the Auspices of PhDr. Ivan BARTOŠ PhD., Vice-Prime Minister of the Czech Government for Digitisation and Minister of Regional Development of the Czech [...]

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